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October 2, 2009


Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 2, 2009
6:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rick Nye, John Hayes, Adam Segal, Jenna Ide
Members not in attendance:  Rob DeRosier (V. Chair), Jeff Barz-Snell, Nick Lewis, Paul Marquis
City Staff:  Tom Watkins, Michael Adler (Intern)

All those in attendance introduced themselves.  Meeting Minutes from the group’s September meeting were reviewed and approved as amended.  

Met Tower
Cindy provided an update on the meeting with the Park & Recreation Committee, in seeking approval for the installation of a met tower at Winter Island.  Herself, Jeff Barz-Snell, Tom Watkins and Jonathan Marqee of Meridian Associates were all present and spoke on behalf of the project.  Site 2 was deemed not viable given the low hanging guy wires over the access road to the harbor master’s Station.  The group did receive approval for the use of Site 1, with the promise that additional safety measures would be installed around the anchors and guy wires of the met tower.  It was agreed that the anchors would be fenced off with enough circumference around them to accommodate a safe and clear walking area.  No time measures for the installation were determined at the meeting.  However, the group is anticipating an early November install to be erected for a maximum of 1 year.  In May, it was noted the RETF will follow up with the Park & Recreation Commission on the progress of the wind data gathering.  

John stated that he would like to see photos of the met tower installation available on the RETF webpage.  Rick would also like to have added some press articles and Cindy’s RETF timeline of accomplishments updated to the webpage.  Cindy would like to have the FAQ sheet from the met tower walk through added as well.  

Tom will be following up with Meridian Associates and the website requests.  

Kill-o-Watt Meter
Adam will look more into prices for a Kill-o-Watt meter and report back to the group on available prices and models.  The RETF would like to use their revolving fund account to purchase two meters and make them available at the Public Library for residents to loan out.  

Green Communities Act – Technical Planning Assistance Award
Tom notified the group that the City of Salem was awarded technical planning assistance from the Green Communities Division through their joint application with the Town of Swampscott.  The consultant assigned to Salem and Swampscott is ICF International.  Tom will work with the consultant and the Swampscott Energy Committee to organize a first meeting.  

Energy Manager
Tom notified the group that the City is currently in the process of interviewing a full time Energy Manager.  Once this individual is on board, he/she will serve as the staff liaison to the Renewable Energy Task Force.  Finalists for the position will be interviewed by a panel, including Mayor Driscoll.  Tom will notify the group once a final selection is made.  

Wind Turbine Ordinance  
Tom will email the date and time for when the City Council Sub-Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs (COLA) has requested members of the RETF to be present to discuss the wind turbine ordinance.  Cindy reviewed Nick’s email.  Tom will also try and follow up with FairWeather Apartments to see how the met tower data they received came out.  

ESCO Update
Tom notified the RETF that the City is currently working with Peregrine Energy Group of Boston to help them in creating the RFQ for the Energy Services Contract.  Jenna mentioned that the contract negotiation process can take a while – sometimes up to two months.  The City will be including two years worth of utility data in the RFQ, which was compiled by Michael Adler.  Michael will work to upload the information into the EPA Portfolio Manager Tool.  

EECBG Funding Process
Tom stated that the City will begin their first meeting with the Massachusetts Area Planning Council to discuss the creation of an Energy Strategy Plan.  The plan is required in order to access the $174,300 the City was awarded in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block grant funding.  Cindy stated that she would like the scheduled public meetings to discuss long term energy goals for the City and not just how the City intends to use the grant money in the short term.   

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm